We flew to California last week to celebrate my Grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary and our 6th anniversary, also. Marc and I got married on my Grandparent's 54th anniversary. It is nice to share the day with them.
Great Grandma & Cooper |
Great Grandma...She's the best! |
4 generations |
3 generations |
4 Generations with Great Grandpa trying to "share" with Cooper |
Our outbound flight left at 2:30 in the afternoon and arrived at 5:30 pm in Long Beach. Cooper was an excellent traveler. I wore him in the baby Bjorn and we used his stroller to wheel our carry-on luggage. That was our best idea yet! My back was a little sore from wearing him, but he seemed to like it very well and fell asleep while we were waiting in line for security check. On the plane, I was in the very front row so I would have more room to move around with him. The flight attendants and many of the passengers on the plane commented to me on what a sweet and good baby he is. He only made happy noises. I pumped 2 bottles before we left and gave him one during take-off and another during descent and landing. He didn't cry once!!
We stayed with family and enjoyed our trip. We also celebrated my grandpa's 89th birthday while we were there. Cooper got to meet his great grandparents, and they loved meeting and holding him.
Cooper turned 3 months old while we were there. I didn't take his "official" 3 month picture until we got home, though, so I could put him in the same rocking chair and put his football beside him to see how much he has grown...And boy, has he! He began rolling over on 8/10/14 from his tummy to his back. My mom watched him but I missed it. Fortunately, on 8/11/14 he rolled from back to tummy and I got it on video the 3rd or 4th time he did it. NO more leaving him in the center of our king sized bed when I run to the laundry room anymore!! As I write this, he in on the nursery floor playing with his little baby gym. I tried to load the video but Blogger is not cooperating.
He gets his bath between 6:30 and 7:30 PM, then nurses until he falls asleep. He sleeps about 7-8 hours the first stretch, then I nurse him and he goes back to sleep for another 2-3 hours. He usually wakes up between 6:30 and 7:30 AM. He wears all 6 month size for onesies and footed pajamas. He will likely outgrow those int he next 2 weeks. He is so tall! 3 month shorts and pants still fit him in the waist, but the pants are too short for him. I had bought him 2 pair of shoes in June or July in a size 2 thinking "surely his feet are going to be this big by August"...Nope. They flopped all over, so he has remained barefoot thus-far. Good thing it's summertime, and shoes are definitely non-essential. I haven't bought a scale yet, so I am guessing he weighs about 16-17 pounds, and he is about 26-27 inches long...That's my guesstimate, we will see his true stats in September at his 4 month check up.
For our flight back to New York, we took the red-eye and left Long Beach at 9:20 pm and arrived at 5:20 am the next morning. Cooper slept from the time we got in line to check our bags curbside until just before takeoff, (I jostled him to wake him up so I could nurse him for takeoff) until just before we landed. We had already descended when he woke up so no inner ear issues, thank goodness. He was so good, we really are so lucky! He's a very content baby and only cries if he is hungry or having trouble passing gas. Even in the morning when he wakes up, he generally plays in his crib and makes happy noises.
His Baptism will be September 14th. We are having the party afterward at our house. We are looking forward to seeing everyone!
Happy Boy! |
Grandpa & me celebrating his 89th birthday |
Grandpa, Grandma, Marc, me, & Cooper after our anniversary dinner |
Marc & Cooper after church |
1 Month |
2 Months |
3 months |
Hope y'all have a great week! Only 18 days until Razorback football starts!!