Saturday, November 15, 2014

6 Months...A Week later!

So, Cooper turned 6 months old last Saturday!

We have been busy, busy trying to get our house ready to go on the market December 1st, and I haven't had a lot of access to my actual computer.

We have a friend who does home improvements, Bill at Prokesch Home Improvements, doing some finishing touches for us.  Nothing too major; all the major work was done in the past few years.  There were just some areas that needed touching-up.  He's taking care of painting doors & trim, some spackling and fixing the sheet rock in our laundry room.  He does great work.  If you're on Long Island and need someone, let me know and I'll get his number for you!

In the past month, Cooper took another flight.  This time to Arkansas to see Grandma and for us to meet with our builder for our future custom home, Jacob at Greenovation Builders.  I've known him since we were 10 years old.  He builds custom homes in Northwest Arkansas and just does gorgeous, high quality work, and is impeccably honest.  Exactly what we NEED in a builder! I'm so grateful he will be building for us!

So, Arkansas!  We ran, ran, RAN almost the whole time we were there.  Cooper is, thankfully, a great little passenger.  We got to visit with a lot of our friends, and even have a party at my Mom's house.  It was a great, if quick, visit.

We had Cooper's 6 month and Christmas pictures taken Last week Sunday.  I absolutely LOVE our photographer, Jennifer Sirris at Storybook Portraits.  She has done all of Cooper's professional pictures since he was born.  We also went to the pediatrician for his 6 month check-up and shots.  He weighs 19 pounds 5 oz, and is 28 1/4 in. tall. His 2 lower front teeth have come in also.  He has been teething since he was 3 months old, and I'm glad to see him making progress.  His sleep was definitely changed while the teeth were erupting.  It was like having a newborn again, and I can happily say, I'm glad he's gotten past that!  I started giving him baby food with some regularity.  As of right now, he really loves his baby cereal, especially oatmeal.  I am still nursing him, so I just mix it with a little breast milk and he's a happy camper.  He is just the happiest baby I've ever met and I'm so incredibly glad he is ours!

My business with Younique is going great, and I anticipate an awesome Christmas shopping season.  I want all the ladies I know to have their 3D lashes!

 The best mascara ever, hands down! Click here to get yours!

I hope y'all have a wonderful November and keep warm!
