I don't know how, but Cooper is already 4 months old. I remember thinking that my senior year of high school was the fastest school year I could remember. Every year since then is quicker and quicker. Months go by in what should be a week. Not too long ago, we were counting the years until Marc would retire and now we are counting months. Crazy. It's gone by even faster since Cooper arrived. He is such a happy little man, truly a delightful baby. He's really easy-going and will let anyone hold him and snuggle. He started blowing bubbles this month, and can very easily roll in either direction. He is sleeping pretty well, usually 8 hours for the first stretch, then he wakes up to nurse and goes back to sleep for 3-4 more hours. He nurses quickly and goes right back to sleep, so I'm not awake for long at night.
4 months old and getting so big! |
watch me grow! |
I took him to the pediatrician today for his 4 month check up and shots. He is 27" long (97th Percentile) and 17lbs 2.5oz (90th percentile). He got 2 shots, and only squealed for a second. Last time he cried. I had given him a preemptive dose of children's tylenol to help with the tenderness. He fell asleep as soon as I put him in the truck to go home.
We had pictures taken on Saturday with Jennifer Sirris at Storybook portraits. She did Cooper's newborn shoot, and is a dream to work with. We have one more session with her scheduled in November for Cooper's 6 month pictures and our Christmas pictures. She sent me a sneak peek of a few of the pictures last night. I can't wait to get the CD in the mail and see the rest of them!
looking sharp! |
big grins! |
Our little family |
So cute in my hat to match Dad! |
Rockin' and Rollin' all night |
After Pictures on Saturday, We drove in to Brooklyn to try a little place I had seen on the cooking channel's "the best thing I ever had". There is an old fashioned soda fountain and ice cream parlor called "Brooklyn Farmacy". I ordered the Mr. Potato Head Sundae. It is vanilla ice cream, homemade peanut butter, potato chips, caramel sauce, & homemade whipped cream. Oh my goodness, it was SO delicious! I substituted hot fudge for the caramel sauce because there is nothing that goes better with peanut butter than chocolate! Delightful. We're adding it to the eating tour of Brooklyn.
Mr. Potato Head Sundae....Yummmmm! |
Cooper watched his first Razorbacks Game Saturday before last. He seemed to really enjoy the bright colors and all the motion. It's too bad we opened with a top 10 team. We played a great first half, then forgot what was going on in the second half. Oh well, we can't win them all.
This little piggy says "Woooo!" |
Watching the HOGS with Momma |
Marc's mom came over Labor day weekend and watched Cooper for us so we could go out to dinner with our really good friends, Steve & Liz. It was so nice to go out to the movies and dinner. We saw Sin City 2 and then went to Teller's Steakhouse for dinner. It was a fun evening out with great friends.
Cooper & Marc |
Cooper and me |
Marc & Me at Teller's |
That's about it for the past month. We have Cooper's baptism coming up this weekend. We have the church in the morning, then are having the reception at our house in the afternoon. There are about 85 people coming to our house, so please, please, PLEASE do the NO RAIN DANCE!!