This week was pretty mundane overall, and I didn't have much to blog about. This weekend is supposed to be quite the doozy, if you're listening to the weatherman.
The entire eastern seaboard is bracing itself for Hurricane Irene. I've never been in a hurricane, so I have no idea what to expect. I have friends who have weathered this type of storm in the past, so I took their advice. I filled my car with gas, got cash out of the ATM, went grocery shopping and filled the ice chest with ice in case we do lose power. I also went with Tex yesterday and stocked up on beer, wine, & liquor. I don't know if we will have to evacuate or not; I've been watching the news to try and find out. Marc and I will evacuate if we have to, but are really hoping it doesn't come to that. If evacuation happens to be the case, we have been offered a room at Tex's house. So everyone cross your fingers and say a prayer for us way up here in the north east. We'll be weathering the storm this weekend. I charged my kindle so at least I'll have books at my disposal!
Thinking of you this weekend!