I know it was just last week that we brought this sweet baby home from the hospital...How in the world is he 5 months old?!
2 days old and headed home! |
5 months and getting so big! |
He wears all 9 month clothes, and is growing like a weed. He continues to be very happy and content. I had to move the straps of his car seat to the highest setting this week...There's NO WAY he will make it to the recommended 2 years in the rear facing seat. He weighs about 20 pounds and is probably 28-29" long. I won't know for sure until his appointment next month, but he is a talllll boy. As if he had any other option! ;) He started having a bottle of breast milk with infant cereal this month as well, and this week, I started trying some infant stage 1 foods. He has had green beans, which he is fairly ambivalent about. Today, I gave him bananas. In case anyone is keeping score, he does NOT like bananas. He was a little dramatic about it, pretending to gag, and he spit out every bite I gave him. I don't think he swallowed a bit! I tasted them to be sure there was nothing wrong with them, and they tasted good to me...Also, spoon feeding an infant is akin to herding cats...I sincerely hope this gets easier. I took a cute video of the banana embargo, but as usual, blogger won't load it...Grrrr...
he wears green beans well |
He had a very busy month. We had his baptism on Sunday, September 14th at the Cross of Christ Lutheran Church. It was a very nice service. My mom flew up, as well as Cooper's Godfather, Jimmy. Marc's family was all here, too. We had a reception at our house to celebrate. About 95 of our closest friends and family came over to share in the festivities. Thank the LORD we had absolutely beautiful weather, because there is NO WAY everyone would have fit in the house. We made all the food and Marc's mom bought Cooper's cake. It was a really great day and I am so thankful for everyone who came to see our little man.
It was delicious! |
Pastor, Marc, Cooper, & Me |
Water on the head, Amen! :) |
Cooper and his Godparents, Jimmy & Jenn |
Cooper & his Godparents |
Jimmy & Cooper |
Our little family |
Cooper & Grandma |
Marc, his parents, and Cooper |
4 Generations |
Uncle Billy, Cooper, Aunt Eve |
Cooper completely outgrew his countertop bathtub. I LOVED being able to stand and bathe him without having to stoop over, but seeing how happy he is in the big bathtub is worth a few minutes kneeling each day. He LOVES his bath! He splashes and kicks and is just the happiest little guy in the water. I should get him enrolled in swim classes soon!
splish, splash! |
Happy baby |
Relaxing with Max |
Looking sharp in my overalls! |
Om nom nom |
I like my walker! |
We have been enjoying the gorgeous weather and watching a lot of football. Both the hogs and Giants are viewed here every week. Cooper really seems to like watching all the movement and bright colors on the tv.
Go HOGS! |
got my GIANTS jersey! |
Proud papa |
Sunday Funday at Chuck & Lois' house |
Hanging out with my buddy Jason |
Cheered so hard I needed a nap! |
Marc had a birthday last month, so we took a drive out to the lighthouse in Montauk. It was a nice day to go for a leisurely drive.
The Lighthouse in Montauk |
Marc at the Lighthouse |
I started a business! I get to work whenever and wherever I like, it takes no time away from Cooper, and I REALLY love the products. I became an independent presenter for Younique cosmetics. Younique is the fastest growing direct sales company around, and I am SO proud to be a part of it!
seriously the best mascara ever |
We have amazing cosmetics, all are natural based, with most of them being ALL NATURAL! The 3D Fiber mascara is a game changer for ladies! My lashes have never been so long and full, and I don't have to waste time gluing false eyelashes on! Please message me for more info or how to order! Christmas is right around the corner and the 3D mascara makes an awesome gift!
Shameless plug, I know, but it's my business and my blog!
We've got a trip to Arkansas coming up soon. We can't wait to see all of our friends and family and for them to meet Cooper!!
Hope y'all have a great month!
Too bad the banana video won't upload! I loved his theatrical dissing of the bananas!!! See you Sunday!!!