Tuesday, March 10, 2015

10 Months!

I absolutely can't believe Cooper is 10 months old.  He is a BUSY boy!  He is officially crawling and pulling himself up.  His favorite place to pull up is in the bathtub, much to my dismay!  I just hold my hands under his arms so he doesn't fall and chip a tooth!

We went to Abilene with my mom the last weekend in February because she had some meetings there.  It was really nice to get away and meet the people she works with.  If the weather had been nice, it would have been a great trip.  We stayed an extra day because the roads were so icy and dangerous.  My birthday was while we were there as well.  We ate out at some great restaurants and had a good time.  Cooper officially started crawling on my birthday.

He is about 32.5" long and weighs about 23 pounds. He has 8 teeth.  He likes to run down the long hall in the house and find me when I walk out of the room without him.  He continues to be very happy and smiles all the time.  He likes the song from Thomas and friends and likes when I sing "twinkle twinkle, little star" to him.  He is quickly learning what "no" means, and so far is heeding warnings...I don't expect that to continue too long!

He LOVES cheerios and trying to feed himself.  He has finally become interested in real food.  The only thing is he doesn't like cold stuff.  I have gotten him down to room temperature from everything being warmed up, so I think he will come around to cold pretty soon.

We got the preliminary plans for our new house this week.  A few adjustments needed to be made, but we should have the working plan very soon.  We hope to break ground by the end of the month on our new home.  We're SO very excited!

pulling up to cruise around


10 months 3/8/15

10 months 
I hope y'all have a great month!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

9 Month update

So, I missed the 8 month update! I was just a little busy, since our house sold in 20 days! We got an all cash offer, so we closed and moved out super fast! We are incredibly grateful that everything went smoothly.  I can't wait to get started building our dream house!

Cooper continues to be a wonderful baby.  He now has 6 teeth, and at his 9 month check up (which was a little bit early) he weighed 21.5 lbs (70th percentile) and was 31.5" long (98th percentile).  He loves to chew on hoodie strings, his fingers, and has a favorite coaster at my mom's house.  He still loves his bath and will gladly let anyone hold him.  He can entertain himself in his exersaucer or playpen while I make breakfast.  He army crawls like a champ, and is thisclose to full crawling.  He babbles a lot, smiles almost all the time, and is generally quite happy.  We are so thankful that he is healthy and happy.

He did really well on the drive from NY to AR.  We stopped about every 3-4 hours so he could eat and get out of the car seat.  We had intended to leave directly from the closing at the attorney's office to head south, but the weather had other plans.  It was snowing really hard, and traffic was backing up  quickly.  We stayed the night at our friends' house and left at 4:30 the next morning.  We made it as far as Knoxville, Tennessee before we were too tired to continue.  The next day was a pretty easy drive.  We left Knoxville about 5 in the morning and made it to my mom's house at 5PM.  We were glad to be done driving, but even more, we were glad we had a safe and uneventful trip.

9 months 2/8/15

He has changed so much!
My Younique business is doing well, February has a great customer Kudos, plus, any parties get double points for the month! That's huge for the hostesses!  Twice the rewards for the same amount of sales!
