Friday, May 20, 2011

A Busy week

This week seems to have flown by.  Perhaps because I was pretty busy the whole week.  I worked every day except Thursday, but had to get errands run on Thursday, so I had to get up early to be able to get to the places I needed to go.  I had to get my oil changed in the car and also get my tires rotated, and the mirror I ordered for the dining room came in, so I had to go to direct buy to pick that up.  I called my friend Tex to come over and help me get the mirror into the house, (the box was large and awkward) so he came by and helped me get the box into the house and hang the mirror.

I'm still waiting for my two wine and glass storage towers to come in; they will go on either side of the buffet in front of the window.  They're supposed to arrive around the middle of June, then the dining room will be complete!  I can't wait!  

Once we got the mirror hung, Tex joined me for Thursdays at the cake.  We had a couple of glasses of wine, then went to Marble Slab for ice cream.  I don't believe I have mentioned before my love of Marble Slab.  I limit myself to one every couple of months, because it could get out of control! Their sweet cream ice cream is SO, SO, SO delicious.  I usually add strawberries or raspberries in a waffle bowl.  Yummmmmmmmmmmmy!  

Tonight, I took the night off from the restaurant so I could go to a Tupperware party at the home of one of the girls from the office.  It should be fun, and we all know how I'm always on the look for more kitchen gadgets!

Have a great weekend!



  1. Thanks, Momma! I like it! I am ready for the rest of the stuff to come in so i can be done with the room completely
